Agent: The person
who is the focus of poltergeist activity.
Amorphous: Having
no form or shape. Sounds more technical than “blob”.
Angel: A celestial being which
appears in human form with abilities such as healing powers and knowledge of
future events. Angels typically appear to people in times of
crisis. Also a messenger of God.
Anomaly: An
unusual event that does not fit a standard rule or can be explained adequately
through scientific theories. We use this word many times when we are not 100%
sure something is paranormal in nature, but we do not feel that this event or
feature is not normal.
Apparition: The form of a ghost or
spirit either seen or captured on film.
Apport: A physical object (for example, jewelry,
tools, etc.) that can appear within a haunting. When a spirit attempts
communication with the living, they can manipulate these items to appear and
disappear at will to make themselves known.
Archangel: An angel of high rank.
Astral Body: What we call the
spirit or soul, the part of a body that survives the death of a physical body.
It is also the portion of a person that can travel among the astral plane,
creating what we call astral travel, or crisis apparitions.
Astral Projection: When the
astral body of a living person travels outside of the physical body to the
astral plane or another location in the physical world. The most famous
projection is a crisis apparition or an out-of-body experience.
Aura: The energy associated with
living people. Hauntings can at times tap someone’s aura for energy
leaving the living person tired.
Automatic Writing: Process
by which an individual writes without conscious thought.
Autoscopy: During
an Out-of Body Experience (OBE) or Near-Death Experience (NDE), the ability to
see one’s own physical body when one’s astral body separates from their
physical body.
Ball Lightning: A
rare and controversial phenomenon in which a small sphere of light is witnessed
for a short period of time. Some researchers have claimed they were able to
duplicate it in a lab environment. This is a possibility of some ghost lights.
Banishing: Procedure to cast a paranormal
entity from a location.
Benign Spirit: A spirit that is harmless or has no
Bilocation: A
phenomenon where a person seems to be at more than one location at the same
Clairaudience: The
ability to hear things outside of normal hearing ranges.
Clairgustance: The
ability to taste something without putting it in one’s mouth or without contact
with the tongue.
Clairoleofactor: The
ability to smell scents before it occurs or outside of normal smelling ranges.
Clairsentient: The
ability to feel things or emotions not normally felt by most people.
Clairvoyance: The
ability to see things, people or events from the past. Also the ability to be
able to read someone’s aura.
Cleansing: Process
to remove spirits – not to be confused with an exorcism.
Cold Spot: A small area where the
temperature is cooler than its surrounding area. Believed to be an
indicator of a paranormal entity drawing energy from the area in order to
Apparition: This is an apparition who appears to several individuals either
simultaneously or independently.
Crisis Apparition: An
image or sound of a living person who is seen or heard by another, often quite
the distance away. The person whose image or voice is heard is typically in a
crisis situation, extreme danger, or close to death.
Death Warning: News or indication of the death of
another person received outside of the normal sensory channels.
Deathbed Visitations:The phenomenon where a dying person sees or hears the presence of dead
loved ones (deathbed apparitions). These spirits help comfort the dying or help
them cross into the light.
Debunk: Find
evidence that a claim of paranormal activity is not due to paranormal activity,
but another reason.
Dematerialization: The sudden disappearance of a
spirit or object.
Demon: Entity that was cast out
of Heaven.
Demonic Haunting: Relatively rare
phenomenon. A haunting caused by a demon where the events are typically severe.
Demonologist: A person who
pursues demons in order to remove them from people’s lives. This is an
undertaken not to be taken lightly. Serious consequences can occur and is not
meant for the faint of heart or for those without deep faith. It is not a game,
nor is it fun!
Discarnate: A spirit without a
physical body.
Disembodied: Without a physical
Disembodied Voice: A voice that
is heard with human ears whose source comes from someone without a physical
body. This is different than an EVP as the voice is actually heard by human
ears, while EVPs are only heard through the use of a recorder.
The act of seeking knowledge or communicating with the dead to foretell the
future. A Ouija board is an instrument that can be used for
divination. Automatic writing is another such method. Divination is
not recommended because it can summon evil entities that are difficult and
dangerous to remove.
Doppelganger: A double of a living person created by
energy, or the astral body of a person appearing to someone outside of their
physical body. Very uncommon, but there are records of this phenomenon
Dowsing: The action of using a
pair of rods held in the hands to located energy sources that may be paranormal
in nature.
Dream Communication: Phenomenon where a spirit can
manifest itself within one’s dreams to communicate. These events usually
occur when the spirit attempts to notify the living of their death.
Ectoplasm: Older definition is
the substance that was emitted through openings of a medium supposedly as the
result of a spirit’s communication. Generally, they were hoaxes (if not all).
Nowadays, the word is incorrectly used to describe the mist or fog-like
anomalies that can appear on photographs.
Electromagnetic Field Recorder: A
device used to measure data on electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Common
belief is paranormal entities can disrupt natural electromagnetic fields.
Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP):
Voices and sounds captured on audio recorders that were not heard by human ears
at that time. If the voice was heard at that time it is called a
disembodied voice.
Empathic Abilities: The
ability of some people to feel the emotions a paranormal entity gives off.
Epicenter: The person that a ghost or poltergeist
centers on. Paranormal activity is at its greatest when that person is in
the vicinity.
Etheric Body: The lowest layer in
the aura (human energy field). It is thought to be in immediate contact with
the physical body in order to connect it with the “higher” bodies.
Evocation: Summoning of spirits
by ritual or incantation.
Exorcism: The process or ritual where prayers are used to
drive out evil entities or spirits from a possessed person or a place.
Extra Sensory Perception (ESP): The
ability to receive information about either the past, present or future that
are not obtained by the five senses – either through precognition, clairvoyance
or telepathy.
Fear Cage: A phenomenon where
very high electromagnetic fields, usually in a confined location, caused panic
to set in as the high EMF promotes uneasiness, paranoia, anxiety, and fear. The
high EMF can be the result of faulty wiring or appliances or electronic devices
and appliances.
Ghost: A recording of the energy of
deceased people. This paranormal activity is not intelligent in nature,
meaning that it is not aware of its surrounding nor can it interact with the
living. We call the haunting by a ghost a residual haunting.
Ghost Hunter: A person who attempts
to gather evidence of paranormal activity. Also called a
Paranormal Investigator.
Ghost Lights: Strange forms of light
that appear in locations that have no logical explanation. These lights
are usually found by fault lines, railroad tracks, or sources of water.
Many believe (including us) that there are natural explanations for this
Globule: A ball-shaped light, often
seen in groups of two or more, that is visible to the naked eye. These
are different than orbs because orbs cannot be seen by the eye but appear in a
photo or video footage. Globules are a form generally associated with
paranormal activity.
Haunting: A repeated appearance of paranormal
activity associated with ghosts, spirits, poltergeists, or entities.
Hypnagogia: The transitional state
between being awake and asleep.
Hypnopompia: The transitional state
between being asleep and being awake.
Imprint: Events,
energy, and strong feelings or emotions that are left on an object, a location,
or even a specific person.
Incubus: An entity who preys on
women. It is thought that the incubus attempts sexual intercourse.
Many report the feeling of being pinned down to a bed; however, sleep paralysis
commonly occurs and can easily be mistaken for this type of entity. Most
real incubus phenomenon is not caused by demons, but by spirits with addictions
that try to fulfill their addictions.
Induced After-Death
Communications: Messages received
from the dead through the use of a practice that was originally designed to by
a therapeutic technique for those that are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Some claim that they can communicate with the spirits of loved ones in order to
conclude their grieving process.
Infestation: We
use this term to describe a haunting that is either repetitive or persistent
and by more than one spirit or energy.
Infrared Digital Thermometers: A
device used to monitor the presence of cold or hot spots that occur during
paranormal events.
Infrasound: Any sound that is lower in frequency that 20
Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. This is the “typical” limit of human
Inhuman Entities: As the name
suggests, these entities were never human. (We’re not talking about cats
and dogs). We’re talking about potentially evil entities. They can
be an annoyance to potentially very dangerous. The only way to remove
these entities is by cleansing one’s house or business. These entities on
rare occasion can cause possessions.
Transcommunication (ITC): ITC is
simply the use of modern electronic devices in an attempt to communicate with
spirits. ITC can be attempted on radios, televisions, computers, telephones,
and audio recorders.
Intelligent Haunting: A haunting caused by a spirit that is aware of its surroundings and is aware of the living. They can answer questions and move things. Most intelligent hauntings are human and will cause no harm. Most intelligent hauntings are just trying to get your attention about something because they have something to say or have unfinished business.
Intuition: The
ability of obtaining information beyond the typical learning processes. Some
believe it is based partly on subconscious pattern association of information
already known, plus impressions caused by the subconscious psi.
Kinetic Energy: The
energy required to force an object at rest into motion. As kinetic energy
diminishes it changes into potential energy as energy is neither created nor
Levitation: During hauntings
(especially Poltergeist activity), a phenomenon where solid objects,
including people, float in the air as if they have been lifted by
an unseen force.
Light: Term used
to represent the divine presence (God) or Heaven. Describes the knowledge,
truth, illumination, comfort and love originating from God.
Living Apparition: The
manifestation of an image of a living person that appears in a different
location (often many miles away). This can occur in moments of danger or pain
(crisis apparition) of related to astral projection and out-of-body
Lucid Dream: A dream in which one is aware that one is
Malevolent Spirit: A
spirit who has ill-intent.
Manifestation: The real signs of a haunting which can
include visual, audio, touching, or smell.
Materialization: The sudden
appearance of a spirit, ghost, or object.
Matrixing: The phenomenon of the mind
to complete a picture that is not there. For example, tricks of shadow
can make your mind create a face that is not there.
Medium: One who
communicates with human spirits.
Metaphysics: The
field of study of phenomenon that is best described as being beyond the laws of
Near-Death Experience
(NDE): Experiences of people that have been pronounced medically dead or
very close to death.
Necromancy: The practice of communicating with spirits in order to obtain knowledge of the future or other’s secrets.
Negative Entity: Inhuman entity,
demonic in nature.
Nonhuman Entity:
An entity that was never a human on Earth. Nonhuman entities consist of angels
and demons.
Olfactory Apparition: Smells or odors associated with
the ghost or spirit. These smells can be cigars, lotions, or
perfume/cologne closely associated with the deceased person. Can also be
called a phantom smell.
Orb: A spherical shape captured by a
camera that is usually light in color. Many believe an orb is an
indicator of paranormal activity. This may be true; however, any natural
floating item (dust, bugs, moisture, pollen, etc.) can produce a reflection
from a camera's flash and result in an orb. An orb is easily duplicated
by experimentation using everyday material.
Manifestation: The physical manifestation of any paranormal activity.
Paranormal: Anything that is
impossible to explain or understood in a scientific manner.
Parapsychology: The
study of paranormal phenomenon. It is the study of communication or interaction
between individuals outside of standard communication methods.
Poltergeists: (German word for “Noisy
Ghost”) – A phenomenon that makes its presence known by causing
disturbances. Poltergeists usually center on an individual (most likely a
youth going through puberty). Poltergeists are believed to manifest around
people dealing with a high levels of physical and emotional stress. If a
poltergeist is allowed to strengthen too much, it could cause dangerous
Portal: A location where spirits can enter the physical realm.
Possession: The entry of a spirit or
entity into a human host, willing or unwilling, in which the spirit or entity
controls a person’s functions.
Precognition: The
ability to gain knowledge of future events.
Precognitive Dreams: Dreams
that foretell events before they actually occur.
Premonition: The
ability to obtain a feeling or warning about future events.
Psi: Another term for soul, psyche,
or personality
Psychic: A person who claims
sensitivity and can communicate with the paranormal.
Psychic Attack: An
attack by a spirit or entity.
Psychic Trigger: Objects used to
attract ghosts to a location in order to enhance activity. The trigger is
usually an object that belonged to the ghost or spirit or an item commonly used
during their time.
Psychometry: The
ability to touch an object and obtain information about that object and its
history as well as someone who may have owned or used the item.
Religious Provocation: The process in
which prayers, holy water, crucifixes, or any religious relic is used to make
an inhuman entity make its presence known in order to expel it. This is a
very dangerous procedure and must only be done by those very experienced in
this type of matter.
Residual Haunting: trapped energy that has no
awareness of its surroundings or you. These can be noises or a vision of
a spirit that replays over and over like a recording.
Sensitive: Another word for a
psychic, medium, or clairvoyant. A person who can see or feel spirits or
ghosts or any other entity.
Shadow Figure: Paranormal
apparition which appears as a black mass, most often taking the shape of a
human figure.
Shape-shifting: The
ability of a paranormal entity to assume the form of another person, mass or
Soul: The essence of a person or animal. The soul is often called a
spirit, mind, or self.
Speaking in Tongues: The
ability for a person to speak a language unknown to the speaker.
Specter: An
apparition that appears in a form that is considered frightening to the
observer. The entity can unintentionally or intentionally let themselves be
seen in this manner.
Spirit: The soul of a deceased
individual that remains in the living realm. The cause of an intelligent
Spirit Realm: Also called a “spirit
world”, this is the world inhabited by spirits. The spirit realm is independent
form the natural world, both the spirit realm and the natural world are in
constant interaction.
Spontaneous Human
Combustion: Rare phenomenon in which a person is badly burned in which the
cause of the fire is unexplained.
Stigmata: Phenomenon
in which wounds appear on people that correspond to the wounds of Jesus during
his crucifixion.
Stone-Tape Theory: Theory
in which certain qualities of stone can absorb and release energy, used to
explain residual hauntings.
Succubus: A
spirit that sexually assaults men.
Telekinesis: A phenomenon in which
objects can be moved by the power of one's mind. Some believe spirits are
able to manipulate physical objects through telekinesis.
Telepathy: The
ability to communicate directly through mind-to-mind contact.
Teleportation: Transportation
of objects from one location to another without a living person.
(plural vortices): The center of paranormal activity, thought to
be an actual portal to the spirit realm. A vortex is an area with a
cold/hot spots, electromagnetic anomalies, and an increase in paranormal
Wandering Spirit: A spirit who on their
travel to a certain area become distracted about energy and briefly stay at a
location until their curiosity abates. These spirits will then leave and never
heard from again (at that location).
White Noise: A repetitive sound (usually
static) used in an attempt to hear spirits.
The above glossary was written by: Manchester Paranormal Investigations. All Rights Reserved.
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