Friday, April 11, 2014
Types of Paranormal Activity
Full Body Apparition -This is the "Holy Grail" when it comes to paranormal hunters search. More are seen than most people think. Some even interact with the living. Most fall into the "Residual Haunting" category as the entity will go about its business whether someone is present or not.
Intelligent Haunting -Is a haunting where a paranormal entity can interact with on intelligent level and/or answer to given questions or requests at the time of interaction. Intelligent Entities are a very powerful because they make itself known and respond in many ways to questions and or actions we may ask of them. This ranks up there with the "Holy Grail" of paranormal activity known as a Full Body Apparition.
Residual Haunting or an Un-intelligent Haunting -A haunting that is referred to as an event that is recorded (so to speak) and will replay itself over and over in exactly the same way. The event may occur on the same day or on a frequented basis.
Messengers -Are supposed ghosts who return to living to give them a message, relay information put a loved one at ease. There are even stories of where someone died and then showed themselves to a loved one to let them know they had passed over. There are several well documented cases of the latter having occurred.
Poltergeist -Taken from the German Language meaning a "Noisy Ghost" known for making noise and moving things around. Articles or objects can be moved, thrown or can disappear and then re-appear in a different area or place. The most noted case is the Bell Witch. This case went on for years, and was witnessed by many people; it was even witnessed by President Andrew Jackson (who made a hasty retreat).
Shadow People -A black mass that resembles a persons form. We are not sure if they are ghosts spirits or some other form of entitiy. But they do move as a person would move. They exist but in most cases do not tend to interact with the living other than making their presence known.
Ectoplasm -Some say ectoplasm is an actual substance that you can touch that some entities produce at certain times. Others say it is an entity try to make it self known either on film on in our reality. This type of evidence like most of the others is something we really know little if anything about other than it exists.
Mists -Mists have been known to form into what appears to be a person, or may reverse this process. The mist may hover, move from one point to another, materialize and de-materialize. A mist could be the sign of an entity, but one must be discounted when environmental factors dictate. We have captured many mists over the years some forming into paranormal entities; see our picture page.
Orbs -Balls of lights. Some people think they mean nothing while others like Sylvia Browne believes that they are angels. Others believe they are a soul manifesting itself as a ball of light. Still others believe they are made up of gasses or are caused by environmental factors unknown to us at this time. We believe some are camera anomalies and others can be legitimate paranormal activity depending on the circumstance. In photographs some orbs can be explained away as insects, dust or a camera anomaly.
Ghost Lights -Lights that are seen in homes or in open areas. Some tend to mimic our modern lights others lanterns and still others like large balls floating or moving with a purpose of some kind. Ghost lights in the mountains of Texas have been reported by hundreds if not thousands of people. But no one to date has come up with their origin or purpose.
Smells -Most people who report smelling things that are not there tend to report smelling flowers, cigar or pipe smoke when none of those things are present at the time the scent occurs.
Auditory Events -Some people will report hearing their names being called, doors opening and closing, knocks on the walls or floors and footsteps. Some people even report hearing an entity talking to them or someone else that they cannot see but must have been with the entity when they were alive.
Animal Ghosts -There are human hauntings why not animals? There are many cases of ghost dogs, cats and horses. How many stories have you heard of a ghost carriage pulling up in front of an old mansion?
Portals or Vortexes -A supposed portal or vortex are places where entities from "the other realm" can enter and/or exit ours realm. These areas are also known for having a large amount of paranormal activity taking place.
Demons -Some believe that anything paranormal has a demonic connotation. Some paranormal occurrences could certainly be demonic, but not all are in our opinion. In over 10 years of performing paranormal investigations we have only come across what we feel to be one negative entity.
Witches -Modern witches are known as Wiccan and practice white magic. "Harm none do as ye will" is their creed. So they are not the ones to fear. There are those who worship the "Dark Art" and those people are trying to bring about their own will. What they fail to recognize is the "Law of Threes" What you do come back to you three times. Basically speaking "What goes around comes around" They may try to harm, but they harm themselves more so.
Other Types of Paranormal Activity -There are certainly other types of proclaimed paranormal activity throughout the world in every culture including Voo Doo, fairies, ghost animals, dopplegangers, vampires, goblins, leprechauns, ufo's and the list goes on and on. Therefore, some paranormal events will be based in beliefs. Beliefs based on religion, superstition, life experience, and still others will base beliefs on circumstances, personal perception or someone else's beliefs that have been relayed to them.
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